You were a crazy, die-hard gamer. We played tons of games together since college… starting with NFS on your laptop in Tagore, playing CS all night, every night in the second year, playing WoW, AOE, and tons of other games ever since.

You were a constant partner-in-crime all through college, and our years at Rootwork, and it’s unbelievable to look back and think of all the stuff we’ve done.. working 16 hours a day, and still playing 4 hours a day, cuz gaming was our passion, but the startup was too.

You were a creative genius, with a flair for using technology to make the coolest things… From the crazy UX you’ve built to the music you’ve produced, and the videos you’ve made, everything you did, you did with a passion that’s hard to find in this day and age.

You were as stubborn as they come, with a skull as thick as a wall, but once something got through to you, you would use that same stubbornness to get through the hardest things. That same stubborn nature got you to fight through and live like very few could have with the cards you were dealt.

You will be missed, Bharat.
May your soul rest in peace.

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If we humans saw the night sky in all its glory, we’d realize how much is there to accomplish and set aside our senseless differences.

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It was good while it lasted. Now be true to your self, and cherish those memories. Don’t question your actions, don’t regret your decisions, and don’t ask if it was worth it. Because it was.

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Life isn’t easy. It’s not just you. In fact life is really hard. Most people just break in the face of all the hurdles and challenges life throws on them.
But you have to realize, it’s those who conquer the impossible odds that live happiest. Don’t give up, don’t give in, stand strong, and live to fight for it, and you will get what you desire.

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