Be the busiest you can be, work the hardest you can—from the start of the day, to the end—time waits for no one. It’s up to you to make the best of it. Figure out what you want to do; prioritize well, and you will find that there is always time for doing what you love!

PS: A whole year has passed since my last post. I’ve been busy. Talk about prioritizing well 😛

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The modern culture has become so biased to the presentation, that we often forget there’s more to a thing than just its face.

Apple could serve as a perfect example, but lets take that hottie near you as an example closer home. Why do they get all the good stuff? Why do people flock around them? Why is it that a sharply dressed co-worker gets all the appreciation? How, pray tell, can ones sense of style affect the way they code, speak, write, or sing?

We may have developed technologically in the past few decades, but it looks like we abandoned our reason somewhere along the way.

Oh, and another instance of how the society is going to the dogs—you presumed the “hottie” was a lady, right?

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Nothing is to be gained if you don’t step out of your comfort zone and do something different every once in a while.
Does it make you uncomfortable? Do it anyway.
Are you afraid of the consequences if you’re wrong? Do it anyway.
Are you uncertain? Do it anyway.

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How you gaze at the summit!
So awestruck, it’s almost silly.
The path to the top will only grow longer if you belittle yourself.
A mountain peak does not exist to show how small you are,
It’s there to provide you with a goal.
If you have time to wander down a side path,
You should use it to climb up instead.
It won’t be an easy climb.
You may have to spend your entire lifetime.
Step by step, steady as a turtle…
It’s possible that you’ll never reach the top,
You may burn out halfway,
But one thing is certain:
You’ll have a better view.

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It’s New Year’s day! It’s that time of the year when people go about trying to make their resolutions for the new year, and finding ways to stay on track. Time and again, I’ve done the same, only to break them in a week or two! For once, I decided to sit down and try to figure out why.
The experience has been exciting in itself, but that’s a topic I may come back to later. It turns out that the problem lay more in my inability to make proper resolutions, than in keeping them! This really stood out in the resolutions where I was:

  • Trying to change too many things at once
  • Aiming for something I’m not passionate about
  • Setting the bar too high
  • Making resolutions which don’t translate into actual Tasks
  • Being vague about the goals

Keeping these in mind, I’ve made my resolutions for 2013. I hope I can stay on track a little longer this time around.

Happy New Year, Folks!

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The first step. Sometimes that’s all it takes; sometimes it doesn’t make an inkling of a difference. Either way, one thing’s certain—you’ll never know until you take it! If you do, and get nowhere, at the very least you know that you did not let the chance go by.

The thing is, people do not like to take chances; they’re afraid of change, and of failure. When that happens, I reckon the best thing to do is ask yourself “what’s the worst that can happen?” If the answer doesn’t look too grim, go ahead and take that chance. You may not be able to figure out what all strange new possibilities arise due to that one small step!

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