Posts tagged "ideals"

I’ve been criticized often for my choice of music, and for a long long time! I’ve never discriminated between music—metal, pop, rnb, rap, rock, jazz, blues, throw anything at me, and I’d probably appreciate it! Some of my favorites are Celtic, Japanese and Finnish songs (not to say English and Hindi…)! I’ve found it simply strange that people discriminate between good and bad songs simply by language…

Most people appreciate music because of the lyrics, and that, when they understand it. True it is a lot simpler to assimilate something when presented in one’s own language, but isn’t that also a sign of close-mindedness? There’s more to a song than simply the lyrics—the subtle blend of harmonics and rhythms, the synchronous notes, the individual pitch and tones of the instruments and the silence…

Everything is music.

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What is it about Valentine’s day, that makes people so crazy to proclaim their love for one another? Isn’t every day as you choose to make it? Or maybe, that’s too philosophical for most people to comprehend…

I, for one, haven’t held much for the V-Day—and how it’s cost me!—but I really do think we should all grow beyond trusting a date to remind how much we love someone… it is just a day after all.

A little less foolishness, and a little more love(!) would do us all some good, don’t you think?

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It’s funny how sometimes, even after putting all you’ve got into doing something, you do not get the results that can qualify your effort as a success. If this gets you down, you’ve indeed failed.

If you keep going, you will eventually realize that the “failure” was very much needed in order to succeed!

Success is simply about how far you go. Even a person who stops when he thinks he has succeeded, has achieved everything he hoped for, is a failure at some level. On the flip side, even the person who gives up after the first try has succeeded to an extent.

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