Knowledge is like a tree. Take care that the trunk grows strong, and the main branches healthy. It is this strong foundation upon which every else will hold. If you do not pay attention to them, you will soon find the leaves all fall away the slightest disturbance. There’s no use in making countless branches if the base cannot support the weight. The whole thing will simply come crashing down. But if the trunk is strong enough, it can even withstand the passage of time..
Posts categorised "Thoughts"
True innovation is only possible when you are ahead of the pack.
No matter how much I want to, I cannot make myself sugarcoat this one fact: you will never be ahead of the curve if you simply follow and imitate others. True innovation is only possible when you are ahead of the pack.
At times it is the thought that matters, and at times it is the action.
At times it is the thought that matters, and at times it is the action. Figure out which is when, and life will be a lot simpler.
Running away is the solution
A vast majority of our problems can be solved by running away. While you’re running away and avoiding your problems, putting them off to be tackled later, your problems cease to be problems. It is because you try to solve your problems that things become such a mess.
Have you ever thought about this: God only listens to you, nothing more, but in most cases, the problem gets solved just so. How do you think that works?
When it comes down to it, worries and problems are basically anxieties about one’s future. When you offload that anxiety on to an external entity, what you’re actually doing is simply averting your eyes. You’re just running away. You stop worrying about uncertainties, and instead do something that you can handle.
In most cases, when things come to pass, they go your way simply because your anxieties were baseless anyway. And even if the worst does happen, time heals most wounds.
So run away. Escape.
Tell me it’s “common sense” when you know the reason
Common sense is often reason’s bitterest enemy. The moment you think “that’s obviously the way it should be”, you stop trying to ascertain the how, thus cutting out any possibilities of learning and improving the present status quo. Without the curiosity to understand why things are the way they are, there can never be progress.
Carefully weigh every thought that goes through your head, every thing you hear someone say, never stop being curious, and you will find yourself in a whole different state of learning and growth.
Trust your subconscious
Trust your subconscious. It’s the truest, smartest, most effective companion you’ve got.
Time waits for no one
Be the busiest you can be, work the hardest you can—from the start of the day, to the end—time waits for no one. It’s up to you to make the best of it. Figure out what you want to do; prioritize well, and you will find that there is always time for doing what you love!
PS: A whole year has passed since my last post. I’ve been busy. Talk about prioritizing well 😛